My name is “Dee-Dee” and I visited your office a few months ago. I had several problems (tingling in my legs, heavy periods and the list goes on). We went over the results of my tests and I was prescribed several supplements. I must say that some of my ailments are better! My cycle is more controlled. I can sleep at night (praise God) without taking sleep aids. Also, I don’t feel as lethargic.
C. H-J. Richmond, VA
My review is terribly long overdue, but I still want it to be put out there. Grace and Treasures of Health was a big aide during my time with colorectal cancer back in 2016 and 2017. When I found out I had it, of course it was very disappointing, but I just didn’t want to take on whatever ‘conventional medicine’ and ‘Big Pharma’ wanted to throw at me. Earlier that same year, I had just lost my younger brother to non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after he went through all the standard treatments and protocols.
I definitively was open to some natural solutions to help beat this cancer as well as my personal faith and spirituality. Googling naturopathic doctors and solutions in Richmond led me to Grace Galliano and Treasures of Health back in Fall of 2016. I got involved in her consultation and analysis programs to study my current nutritional state and I got a whole new understanding about processed foods and the man-made junk going into our meals. It really opened my eyes. (Add me to the list of people now buying NON-GMO and organic, whenever I can.)
One major point I got from her evaluations and urine analysis: I drastically needed to alkaline my overly acidic body. Cancer loves acidity. She suggested a nutritional plan as well as offered specific ‘colon and digestive system’ targeting natural herb medicines in her store to help me heal naturally. Long story short and for reasons deeper than this review can explain, I still made my own prayerful decision to undergo 1 month of radiation & 5 months of chemo (the medical), utilized Grace’s program and consultations, (the natural), and kept my faith in God’s healing to tie it all together (the spiritual) and I can say that I’ve been cancer free for 16 months and will continue to be! [For the record, Grace does not endorse chemotherapy, obviously, but will respect your decisions and work with you, independently, through the process to coach you along in your nutrition and health either way.]
I highly recommend Treasures of Health and Grace if you’re seeking natural solutions and alternatives! Going natural is not cheap, but it’s worth your good health in the long run.
R.P.111, Richmond
My story has a very happy ending thanks to Grace and her attention to detail. I started out in June with lots of abdominal pain and diarrhea every time I ate a meal. After visiting a gastro doctor twice and not getting relief, I remembered the excellent comments I had heard in the Mechanicsville Community about Grace and her Treasures of Health store. I made an appointment and my healing journey began in November. Grace listened, took extensive notes and evaluated my case with detailed data from tests. I am so blessed and grateful for the opportunity to have success through her genuine care. 🙂
L.J. Mechanicsville, VA
I came into Treasures of Health, the day of my GYN appointment. I was told that I have 3 fibroids. I was drained, no energy what so ever. I didn’t want to have surgery, so I decided to go naturally and cure myself.
I came in to see Ms. Grace and she helped me find exactly what I needed in her store. She also gave me advice on what I should be also taking to help with my condition.
It’s only been one week and my energy is back and the symptoms of my fibroids have gotten so much better. I haven’t felt this good in about 3 years. I’m so thankful to Ms. Grace for all of her advice and patience.
Tanya S, Henrico Va.
This is my story. I do not promote any product nor do I suggest that what works for me would be good for anyone else.
Some people can drink, smoke, eat anything they want and live to be quite old. Unfortunately, that is not my good fortune. When I was younger, I had pneumonia several times, first at the age of seven. Milk allergies, rashes, IBS, throat issues, tonsils out at twenty, strep throat, lots of antibiotics and migraines which I inherited from my mother. I also had rotator cuff problems due to a car accident and sciatic nerve pain. I also got viral meningitis.
All that changed in the nineties when I discovered an herb shop near by and they offered free classes. I learned that death starts in the colon. I started to buy herbs books and since that was before I didn’t have a computer. I did research and figured out what worked the best for me. Propranolol fixed my migraines and blood pressure. I haven’t had antibiotic in many years.
I don’t get any shots now. I refused to take statins and got my cholesterol under control with south beach diet, guggul and pycnogenol in five weeks. My system doesn’t do well with medicine. A few years ago I took an Ibuprofen and ended up in the emergency room in anaphylactic shock. I was addicted to sodas and stopped that when my gut started to hurt. I never smoked and alcohol game me migraines. Living without cigarettes, alcohol, fast foods, and sodas afforded me plenty of money to get good quality supplements. What is your health worth? I don’t buy any from the grocery store.
I felt good for many years. Then about six months ago the doctor said my blood work was fine but I didn’t fell right. Very tired, no energy even after twelve hours of sleep. Something was very wrong. I went to an endocrinologist who told me that I had hypoglycemia. I was sent to a surgeon to have one of my parathyroids out but he didn’t agree.
I went every three months for blood work for a while but was offered no solutions for my problem so I stopped going.
I knew of Treasures of Health so I went to see Grace. She did some tests and suggested some supplements which I had taken before but just wasn’t on m list at the time. She also gave pills that I had never heard of and I made some adjustments in my diet. A week later I was my old self again. Since then I have had energy and am able to do everything I did before. I even moved over a thousand bricks from my flat roof, took down a popcorn ceiling and am able to work on my organic garden which I dig by hand and take care of my chickens. I have other hobbies and enjoy reading. I still do some energy work. This year I am seventy eight. I have energy and am able to live the life I want thanks to Grace. She had made me feel great again.
Cathy - Love and Light
Joselia, age 2 suddenly had purpura and petechiae on her skin. Bruised legs and vessels on her chest and neck. Upon visiting the ER, she was diagnosed with ITP (see below). Her platelet count was 23K. They told us as long as it stays over 20K we don’t have to do “conventional treatment” options. The next day her blood count was 24K. The day we went to ER, I started giving her Natures Pearl muscadine grape seed, 2 supplements a day, she would chew them. My naturopath from Treasures of Health recommended that along with vs-c from Natures Sunshine (Dandelion whole plant, purslane top, indigo leaves and root, thlaspi whole plant, bupleurum root, scute root, typhonium rhizome, cinnamon twig, licorice root and ginseng root).
We were told we have to do follow up blood tests for a few weeks, recovery of normal platelet counts usually takes on average 6 to 8 weeks and sometimes months!
I gave her 2 Natures Pearl a day and vs-c 3 times a day (15-20 drops in water) for 2 days. We went back to the hematologist on Monday and her count was 172K! (normal is 150K – 400K). The doctors were amazed and told us to go home and if we wanted we could do a follow-up count in a month or so just for peace of mind. My 5 year old happened to come down with a fever that Saturday and I started her on NP, silver and vs-c, same doses and the next day it was gone as well! I will be keeping vs-c on hand from now on as well, along with colloidal silver! I am so thankful for having Natures Pearl and Grace Galliano, ND in my corner! Thank you for your amazing support and expertise!
Once again natural healing proves more effective, faster and with NO side effects!
M.M. Mechanicsville, VA
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that the serum you gave me is working. I had discoloration on both legs; according to the doctors, they couldn’t do anything about it because it was from poor circulation. I used the Skin Renewal Serum that was suggested and there is a real noticeable improvement on the right leg. A little on the left but it is definitely working.
Thank you for suggesting it Grace.
H.V. Highland Springs, VA
Since I have been taking Nutri-Calm I have been feeling so much better and my stomach issues have improved tremendously. I have been a vegetarian for about a month and that has helped so much as well.
K.B of Richmond, VA
I found out from blood work from my doctor in January that I was out of shape – my blood sugar was above normal, my cholesterol and triglycerides were too high and I was about thirty pounds overweight. I called Grace right away because I knew she could help me. When I went to see her, she put me on a food plan and also recommended some supplements. I decided to follow her suggestions faithfully, and in just a little over a week I was starting to lose weight. Since then my blood sugar is coming down, my acidic body is now alkaline, and I am continuing to lose weight. As I am eating more healthful foods and drinking lots of water, I find that I am not hungry anymore but feel satisfied. I am feeling great and very pleased that Grace is helping me avoid diabetic medication.
Thank you Grace,
J. A. Varina, VA
In 2008, I was diagnosed with Third Stage Ovarian Cancer. After Chemotherapy, I wanted to maximize my chances to survive cancer and my well being. I discovered Treasures of Health approximately two years ago and have regularly received consultation by Grace. Grace is a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) and a Certified Natural Health Professional. Through Grace’s knowledge, skills, and personal care, my health has improved significantly.
D. L.; RN from Mechanicsville. VA
Dear Grace,
As Helen prepares for college I cannot imagine where we would be without your help.
My daughter began high school as a healthy, happy girl. However, the next four years were a constant struggle for her. Severe allergies combined with increased stress due to a difficult school culture made her continually weaker. She missed several days of class and events each semester due to illness. It has taken four years for her to be healthy again. Grace has been perhaps our greatest ally on this journey. She has helped my daughter to overcome the side effects of traditional drugs and to restore her emotional and physical health. Before leaving for college, my daughter will meet with Grace, making certain that she is prepared for her future. We are so fortunate to have this remarkable woman in our lives!
See you soon!
S.R. Varina, VA
Hello, this is a testimonial to natural supplements.
Our dog, who is fourteen years old, is suffering from kidney and liver failure. We were told in July that he had only two to four weeks to live. I came by to speak with Grace at Treasures of Health. I decided to take him off his medications and try him on natural supplements. When we did, we saw almost immediate results. It is the end of October and he is still with us, doing well, in fact, doing much better than he was this summer. We are thrilled. Natural supplements do work.
J.A. Highland Springs, VA
Good Morning Grace,
As usual with a heel spur, there is no walking in the mornings, first getting out of bed. I marked my calendar again when I started the herbs I bought, and today was my turning point day. Got up this morning and realized I was not limping in pain. I was walking normally. So after 5 days, the pain has eased up already. Will see you again soon when my products get low. I will stay on it again for months and let it do its thing. Thanks for having a herb shop in our area. 🙂
P.G. Highland Springs, VA
I had severe heel pain where I could not put any pressure on my foot to even walk and had to give up jumping rope and exercise altogether. After going to the doctor and having an x-ray, it was discovered I had a very large heel spur. My two choices were steroid shots to relieve the pain, or surgery to cut it out. I did not accept either choice and visited the Treasures of Health Herb Shop to inquire if there was something naturally I could do to get relief.
I was given a 3 step regimen that would not only relieve my pain but would also get rid of the heel spur. I marked my calendar the first day to see how long it would take to just get relief. It was exactly two weeks and I could walk normal and was able to put full pressure on my heel once again, without feeling any pain at all.
I continued the 3 step regimen for months and have now stopped using it altogether. It has been 1-1/2 years for me now, and I am still pain-free, walking normally, and back to exercising. This was far easier than surgery or grueling shots that will only relieve it but not get rid of it.
Thank you Treasures of Health!
P.G. Highland Springs, VA
Have you ever left a store “feeling” healthier? Treasures of Health exudes cleanliness, relaxation and an overall feeling of well-being. The walls are blue; the barely audible music is calming and your attention is drawn to every display; every corner, be it for men, women, children or pets. This is Grace’s domain. You know that you have met someone who ‘walks the walk’ with an authority that stems from years of study. Go!
J.F. Richmond VA
I wanted to write you a thank you note for your advice regarding my “irregularity.” You suggested I try three different products. It worked great! I am convinced it was the supplement because it was the only new item I introduced. I will continue to take these products, Thank you again and see you soon.
W.B. Richmond VA
Gracie is our personal Angel of Health and Wellness!!! She has helped us with sinus allergies, headaches, and even resolved our female lab’s problem with bladder stones! (Yep, our pooch takes her herbs each morning just as we do!). Currently she is helping me shrink a cancerous tumor, so naturally, we strongly encourage everyone to team up with Grace!!! You’ll feel the positive, comforting energy of her neat-as-a-pin shop as your enter, and come to learn ways to help yourself live healthier and a fuller life!
Here’s to YOUR health!!!
K.K. Sandston, VA
My husband was going to the emergency room and doctors every 3 months or less for allergy and related problems. After going to Treasures of Health, he now just goes for his yearly checkup. He feels like his old self. What a blessing.
D.S. Mechanicsville, VA
Over the last few years I have felt very sluggish, tired, not able to think clearly and overall no get up and go. After coming in to see Grace and her recommending a total body cleanse, I feel renewed and refreshed! I am able to awake in the mornings and have the energy to go and move about the rest of the day. Thank God for Treasures of Health.
L.T. Varina, VA
I’ve tried many cosmetic products that are currently on the market, but my skin is so sensitive, everything was irritating me to the point of having to remove it within the hour. Grace convinced me to give the HoneyBee Gardens cosmetic line a try. I tried the blush, powder foundation and mascara – leaving all 3 on for 24 hours. Wow – none of these irritated my skin at all! I’m now sold on this product line.
W.B. North Carolina (I was visiting Mechanicsville)
Dear wonderful holistic doctors!!!! Theo had 2 days of 103 and 104 Fever and could not move much as you all know I gave him 2 days
1 belladonna
1/2 milk thistle tablet
This evening when I came back from NC
He jumped at me happy to see me.
Was I happy to see that!!!!
Thank you all so much for your advice
Dear wonderful holistic doctors!!!! Theo had 2 days of 103 and 104 Fever and could not move much as you all know I gave him 2 days
1 belladonna
1/2 milk thistle tablet
This evening when I came back from NC
He jumped at me happy to see me.
Was I happy to see that!!!!
Thank you all so much for your advice
Here is Theo After